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Sunday 27 January 2013


Fashion is a statement. it is surprising how history has repeated itself in the current fashion trends. Let us now look at the trends back in the years.

The very first dress code is traced back in the Bible, and that is the fig leaves, worn by Adam and eve. They wore this to hide their shame after they ate the forbidden fruit.

In 1962, after independence, Ugandans, picked on the dress code at time, by the Europeans who were staying here in. The tights, and huts were so common and women picked on them. However, this trend is back on the shelf. All the 21st century girls are running for these.

In he late 60s, the "mini" became so common in Ugandan markets, yeah this was the trend for teenage girls at the time and the youth. However, this trend disappeared in thin air, because of Idi Amin, the President at the time. His anyone who would be found dressed like this, would have to nurse wounds, after their legs had been cut. He was a Muslim and wanted all girls to dress like the Muslims.

This trend however disappeared, and was replaced by the long dresses, during Idi Amin's time. 
All these kinds of dress code have kept on repeating themselves as time goes by, that is why i say that history repeats itself.

Currently, the high waist dresses and skirts, flat closed shoes(pumps) are trendy these days. Some people are even running to their mothers' wardrobes, looking for those old shoes their mothers wore, back in the years.

While this is happening, I keep on wondering whether the fig leaves worn by Adam and Eve, in the garden of Eden to hide their shame. Food for thought.